Liliana Coventina

High Priestex of Pussy Power Mystery School

Owner of


Shamanatrix Extraordinaire

Priestex of Sacred Surrender

Sexuality Educator

Intimacy Oracle

DragonRose Lineage

Hey There!

Allow me to introduce myself:

I'm Liliana Coventina,

When I stepped into the Lilith lineage and signed my soul contract to help create and birth a new consent consciousness in the United States military, I had no idea the journey that I was about to go through.

I soon recognized I was on a self-initiation path, gathering the wisdom of many lineages before finding the lineages that were in resonance with both my ancestral lines as well as past-lives that I had been seeing since I was 7 years old.

I am happy to bring and share the wisdom that I have gathered over the span of my entire life and various trainings with you through these 12 experiential learning modules over 24 months. 


Meet Your Shamanatrix

Liliana Coventina



Make Money Like a Whore

      A journey into money and sexuality shadows

The Darketypes

    • Conscious Kink as a vessel for radical self-mastery


    • A biz incubator for femme leaders

ISTA - International School of Temple Arts

    •    L1, L2, and Practitioner Training

Blood & Soul Lineages

    • Merovignian Dragon Bloodlineage, Avalon Bloodlineage, Volva Blood/Soul Lineage Isis Soul Lineage, Dark Rose Soul Lineage

Certifications & Trainings

    • NLP Practitioner, Life Coach, Intimacy Coach, Hypnosis, Shamanic Breathwork, Past Life Regressions, Sexuality Coach, Somatic Experiencing

A little more about me...

About 2.5 years ago, when I started my coaching business, I started it as a side hustle.  I was living on a Temple Farm amongst a priestesshood of sisters and was fully supported by my disability payments and GI Bill from the VA.  As a 30 year old Marine Corps veteran, I didn't know it yet, but I was midway through a HUGE spiritual awakening.

Then, CHAOS struck. And suddenly through a series of events outside of my control, I was homeless with $800 in my bank account, and unable to continue school.

At that point, I realized that I no longer had a choice.  My soul was calling me to step into my path.  And to step into it fully and unapologetically.  Soul has not stopped calling, and I continue to show up.  To walk the walk as a living example.

To Be Pure Fucking Magick


Pussies of all types are welcome here.  If you identify as having a pussy (etheric, physical, energetic, etc) and you are pussy enough to claim it, you are VERY WELCOME.

If you have a cock and desire to support women who may not have the resources to pay for themselves yet, you may reach out to me and fund a scholarship space.

I will match your scholarship and will gift a scholarship as well.  Want to apply for a scholarship?  Send an email to

Contact Information



Interested in a deeper experience?  Schedule a sexploration call today to find out if we are a good fit to work together 1:1 -

1:1 Work